Head of transport phenomena in fluid and solids laboratory
Email: jure.ravnik@um.si
We develop Boundary Element Method (BEM) based viscous flow solvers. We use the velocity vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations in combination with the boundary element method and advanced compression techniques. Our current code TriTok, simulates flow and heat transfer of an incompresible viscous fluid in 3D by BEM.
LES is an efficient turbulence modeling strategy. I'm developing a velocity vorticity based LES application. Solution of turbulent incompressible viscous fluid flow is obtained via a combination of the boundary and finite element methods. (paper)
BEM is a very efficient mesh reduction scheme. To solve the velocity vorticity based Navier-Stokes equations we use the boundary domain integral method.
I have spent two moths in the beginning of 2005 at Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery, University of Stuttgart and was supported by the EC-founded project HPC-Europa. I have been learning about high preformance computing and parallelisation techniques. A short report of my work there can be found here (short report).
I'm using wavelet transform for making full BEM matrices sparse. Details can be found the the following paper:
RAVNIK, Jure, SKERGET, Leopold, HRIBERSEK, Matjaz. The wavelet transform for BEM computational fluid dynamics. Eng. anal. bound. elem.. [Print ed.], 2004, 28, 11, pp. 1303-1314.(paper).
We develop Lagrangian particle tracking software, for simulation of particle movement in fluid flows under the influence of hydrodynamic and magnetic forces. Our software package is called Vreteno.